It sure is a cold job, but construction on the Mitsubishi showroom in St. Joseph continues. For those of you that haven’t been to their store, this building will share a lot with our Kia store in that market. Exciting to see this thing take shape!
10 Year Vision
“Where are we going?”
“What are we doing and why?”
“How do I fit in to the bigger picture?”
These are some of the most important questions that our company has to answer. And frankly, they are questions that you and me–all of us as Anderson Team members–should expect a compelling answer to. In case you missed the Christmas Party, check out the video above. The Directional Team has spent significant time and energy addressing these issues and plotting the course for the future. It boils down to this:
Our Mission, “Because People Matter, we will serve your needs by always doing what is right” is the reason we keep our doors open. We believe so strongly in this, that we think it should be at the center of Anderson’s strategic plan. That’s why we’ve created a Ten Year Vision for the company. It’s the highest level plan we’ve got, and it’s deeply rooted in our Mission.
The 10 Year Vision stands as an answer to the three questions above. It can be broken up into six parts, and everything we do as a business fits underneath one of them.
- Increasing Market Footprint
- Diversification of Business
- Next Generation Leaders
- Team Member Life Wellness
- Multiplied Vision
- BPM Inc.
That means that regardless of what you do on a daily basis, your contribution is helping move the 10 Year Vision forward. None of this would be possible without your hard work and dedication as part of the Team.
What Are Big Rocks?
As the year comes to a close, we find ourselves in the unique position of both looking back on the year previous and looking ahead at the year to come. Evaluating successes and failures, while anticipating and planning for the road ahead. This is the stretch of time in which we are tasked with creating our Big Rock SMART Initiatives, and I thought it would be a good moment to have a refresher on the whole idea of Big Rocks.
It really is very simple: If life is a jar to be filled, make sure you prioritize the big rocks before you make room for the pebbles and sand. Give time and energy to the things that truly matter, before the distractions and diversions of life crowd them out. This metaphor certainly applies to our personal lives, but is equally valid when considering what we will prioritize at work.
Stephen Covey has some great things to say about Big Rocks:
Do you ever get bogged down in the thick of thin things?
As you prepare to fill out your 2014 SMART Initiatives, keep these simple ideas in mind.
You can click here to access the 2014 SMART Initiative form.
Team Jack Donation
Our month in support of Team Jack in Lincoln ended with tremendous success! During that time we donated $100 for every car sold and $20 for every test drive to The Team Jack Foundation in support of the fight against Pediatric Brain Cancer.
We were able to present them with a check for $10,000! Awesome work Team!
Grand Island Remodel
The Grand Island Ford Store looks quite a bit different if you haven’t seen it lately. The showfloor has recently been overhauled and has seen the addition of a new Sales Tower, customer tables, and new Sales Advisor desks. The whole room feels bigger and more spacious. The Service Team has some pretty sweet new gear as well. The new mobile lifts pictured will allow for greater flexibility in their work area.
The exterior of the building will also be seeing some major updates from Ford soon. We are working with an architect and have recently finalized blueprints for an enlarged showroom, new exterior signage, and the addition of a Quicklane. Check out the blueprints here. Exciting stuff!
Dream Factory Gift
The St. Joe Team just presented a $2,183 check to The Dream Factory of St. Joseph. Great stuff! The Dream Factory is an awesome organization involved in wish-granting for children afflicted with terminal and chronic illness. Check out their website to learn more about them. Our Charity Classic Car show was in benefit of the St. Joseph chapter and they presented us with a plaque of appreciation. Great job team!