The State Fair is underway, and Grand Island just set a brand-new Guiness World Record for the largest parade of vintage tractors. Over 1,100! The Anderson of Grand Island team contributed their vintage Ford as #419. Looking good Jimmy!
Driven For Success Car Giveaway
We just wrapped up our Driven For Success Program and gave away a Ford Fiesta to a senior from Lincoln High! We had an awesome time at the event, and over 100 people showed up at the store to participate or support their contestant. Check out the video from the event:
St. Joe Helps Out School Lunch Program
The St. Joe team presented a check to an awesome local program that helps provide school lunches for children from low-income families. Awesome work guys! The Brookdale Summer Lunch Program provides a nourishing sack lunch for St. Joseph school age children from single parent low income families. The lunches are prepared at Brookdale Presbyterian Church by volunteers and delivered to different pick up locations, including: Mark Twain School, Bartlett Center, and Pastor Earnestine Blakely’s Reading Program.
Whose Hidden Talent Is This?
Friday BBQs are the best. Nothing helps push through the second half of your day like a lunch break with some good food. It brings out the best in hidden talent among us as well apparently. Nice work on the fruit sculpture EJ Ruff. Way to step up the awesome on employee BBQ day.
South Store Neighborhood BBQ
Pretty great turnout for our Neighborhood BBQ at the Lincoln South store on Saturday. We had tons of people come through and hangout in a very family-friendly atmosphere. Check out the pics below to see more.
Dream Factory Donation
We had an awesome time at the Charity Classic Car Show a few weeks back, and recently had the privilege of delivering a check to The Dream Factory from donations at our event. Way to go everyone for making this happen. For those that don’t know, The Dream Factory is an organization committed to granting the wishes of terminally and chronically ill children. They do great work, and you can learn more abou them here.