The St. Joe Team just wrapped up their third annual Charity Classic Car, Truck & Bike Show. The proceeds from the event are all to benefit The Dream Factory.
The Dream Factory exists with the mission to grant wishes for critically and chronically ill children. There are 38 local chapters across the country staffed by hardworking volunteers that raise money to make these wishes a reality for kids and families that need a win in their lives. The Dream Factory is also the only children’s wish-granting organization that does not limit its mission to children who have life-threatening illness. They also serve kids with chronic illness and disorders, believing that this segment exemplifies great need and is often overlooked.
Our event linked up directly with the St. Joseph chapter, and will help make a difference in kids’ lives. Thanks for all your help in making it happen!
There were some pretty great entries in the show. Check out the photos below.
My Dad used to say “there are always people in a worse situation than you are”. Dad encouraged me to take notice and look around for people to encourage on the path of life. Great job STJ team, you are encouraging people along their path through this effort with the Dream Factory, making a difference Because people matter!